Rebel Crown: Serpent & Oak
Serpent & Oak provides two alternate campaign frameworks for Rebel Crown.
The Oak Campaign takes place in the Kingdom of Dol and follows the Darach Claimant’s rise to power. The Darach Claimant begins with a formidable base of power: with a province and a standing levy of their own. This is an ideal campaign for players looking to play a full campaign, but without the humble beginnings of the Eagle campaign outlined in the main rule book.
The Serpent Campaign of House Nathair is an even greater divergence from the core campaign structure. It eschews full character creation and provides pre-generated characters to allow the group to jump into play even faster. The Serpent Campaign also provides more GM support than is possible in the open-sandbox of the other campaigns. This is an ideal campaign for players looking to experience Rebel Crown in just a few sessions.
Requires the core Rebel Crown text to play.